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Serije na, sortirano po IMDB oceni, stranica 38

  • Našli smo 504 rezultata.
  • Žanr: horor
  • The Village

    The Village (2023)

    triler, horor

    A stranded urbanite and his three unlikely companions who brave an eerie village to rescue his missing family in one night.
  • Urban Legend

    Urban Legend (2022)


    Ova košmarna antologijska serija, pod kreativnim vođstvom majstora horora Elija Rota, prikazuje klasične urbane legende kakve nikada ranije niste videli. Sa vrebajućim psihopatama, ubilačkim...
  • Golden Years

    Golden Years (1991)

    drama, naučna fantastika, triler, horor

    Desila se eksplozija u najtajnijoj laboratoriji u SAD. Stari čuvar Harlan Vilijems je udahnuo potpuno nepoznate hemikalije i sada se menja, postaje sve mlađi, umesto da stari. Vlada je zainteresovana...
  • Prank Encounters

    Prank Encounters (2019)

    komedija, horor, rijaliti tv

    Gaten Matarazzo stars as himself who is the host of this show. Actors and actresses get to play a huge role in each one of Gatens scary pranks. Each scene of the show gets pretty scary until Gaten...
  • Romancero

    Romancero (2023)


    Cornelia and Jordan flee from the force of the law from powerful supernatural creatures and even from themselves.
  • The Girl in the Woods

    The Girl in the Woods (2021)

    drama, misterija, horor

    Smještena na sjeverozapadu Pacifika, serija ‘Djevojka u šumi’ prati Carriein bijeg iz misteriozne, kultne kolonije koja čuva svijet od čudovišta skrivenih iza tajnih vrata u šumi
  • Critters: A New Binge

    Critters: A New Binge (2019)

    komedija, naučna fantastika, horor

    Kultni filmovi o čupavim lopticama koje proždiru sve oko sebe dobivaju novu inkarnaciju u obliku serije. Crittersi se vraćaju na Zemlju tražeći izgubljenog prijatelja koji je ostao iza njih. Sleću u...
  • The Unsettling

    The Unsettling (2019)

    kriminalistički, fantazija, naučna fantastika, triler, horor

    Šesnaestogodišnja Beka stiže u novu starateljsku porodicu. Ostala deca u porodici nisu nimalo gostoljubiva. Beka pokušava da se privikne na novi dom, ali oko nje počnu da se dešavaju čudne stvari...
  • The Light

    The Light (2022)

    akcija, naučna fantastika, horor

    Jade helps guide a small group of survivors into the Chunnel, but terror awaits. Albert warns Umbrella about Joy's horrific side effects.
  • Episode #1.4

    Episode #1.4 (2022)

    akcija, naučna fantastika, horor

    Jade and Baxter find themselves at the mercy of the Brotherhood's demented leader. Teenage Jade and Billie receive distressing news about their father.
  • Home Movies

    Home Movies (2022)

    akcija, naučna fantastika, horor

    With Simon offering tech advice, Jade and Billie break into their father's laptop, where a chilling message leads them to a nightmarish discovery.
  • Dracula

    Dracula (2002)


    Jonathan Harker is a successful real estate agent now living with Mina Murray in Budapest...
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