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Filmovi na, stranica 1972

  • Last Vegas

    Last Vegas (2013)


    Nikad nije kasno za najbolju zabavu u životu – 4 glumačke legende upravo je organiziraju u Vegasu! Četvorica prijatelja koji su već dobrano prešli šezdesetu, sastaju se u Las Vegasu kako bi...
  • Lazos

    Lazos (2013)

    biografski, istorijski

    Reconciled, Fernando and a pregnant Isabel face their biggest test yet as the Portuguese invade Castile. King Alfonso marries Juana to reinforce her claim, but is reluctant to consummate the marriage...
  • Le bonheur sinon rien!

    Le bonheur sinon rien! (2013)


    Kriminalistička komedija o popularnoj autorici knjiga iz psihologije, koja pomaže jednoj ženi da razriješi spletku koju su joj splela vlastita djeca. Fleur Miller (V. Jannot) je spisateljica, piše...
  • Le conseiller

    Le conseiller (2013)


    An ambitious young banker and a farmer looking expand his family farm find themselves locked in battle against the backdrop of the economic crisis.
  • Le démantèlement

    Le démantèlement (2013)


    Gaby owns a farm on which he raises lambs: Bouchard & Sons Farm. But he has no sons. Rather, he has two daughters that he raised like princesses and who live far away, in the big city. One day, the...
  • Le goût du partage

    Le goût du partage (2013)


    Komedija o genijalnom kuharu čija jela su sve što on nije - puna raskošnih okusa i slasti! Victor (B. Le Coq), vlasnik i glavni kuhar ekskluzivnog, otmjenog i jako skupog restorana, ima stroga i...
  • Le passé

    Le passé (2013)

    drama, misterija

    Posle četiri godine razdvojenosti, Ahmad se iz Teherana vraća u Pariz da bi se razveo od Francuskinje Mari. Za vreme svog boravka, primećuje da Mari ima konfliktan odnos sa njihovom ćerkom Lusi...
  • Le retour

    Le retour (2013)

    drama, kratki, porodični

    It's been a year since his big brother left, and Willy, 15, can't wait for him to return. Willy thought he knew everything about Theo, but when he arrives back in the block, Willy discovers a secret...
  • Le silence des églises

    Le silence des églises (2013)


    At the age of 12, Gabriel was sexually abused by Father Vincey, his headmaster. Fifteen years later, he is still traumatized. Constantly racked by this wrong that he has kept secret, Gabriel buys a...
  • Le temps de l'aventure

    Le temps de l'aventure (2013)

    drama, ljubavni

    Aliks, glumica u ranim četrdesetim godinama, glumi u predstavi u Kaleu. Ne dobivši isplatu, postaje vrlo nervozna i odlazi prvim vozom u Pariz, nadajući se da će se naći sa svojim neuhvatljivim...
  • Le Week-End

    Le Week-End (2013)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    Britanski par vraća se u Pariz mnogo godina nakon njihovog medenog mjeseca...
  • Lealtad y deber

    Lealtad y deber (2013)

    biografski, istorijski

    Isabel debates showing mercy to the rebels when the new bread tax causes an uprising in Segovia. Chacón ponders retirement. Juana feels imprisoned during her husband's absence and seeks solace in her...
Prethodna   1 2 ... 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 ... 6092 6093   Sledeća

