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Filmovi na, stranica 1800

  • Learning to Drive

    Learning to Drive (2014)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    Wendy (Patrician Clarkson), a self-absorbed New York book critic, is shocked to reality by the sudden end of her marriage. Always dependent on her husband for driving, she must now learn to take the...
  • Leave the World Behind

    Leave the World Behind (2014)

    muzički, dokumentarni

    A music documentary following the last tour of the band Swedish House Mafia in 2012/2013, the film tells a story of friendship and huge success.
  • Left Behind

    Left Behind (2014)

    drama, misterija, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika, triler

    Mala grupa preživelih je preostala nakon što su milioni ljudi odjednom nestali, a svet je utonuo u haos i uništenje.
  • Left of Center

    Left of Center (2014)


    Left of Center, a psychological thriller set in a small town in the rolling plains of Northeastern Oklahoma, focuses on a series of homicides along Highway 177. The murders cause a strained...
  • LEGO Batman vs. Superman

    LEGO Batman vs. Superman (2014)

    kratki, komedija

    Betmen se sukobljava sa Supermenom, ko-zna-zbog-čega...
  • L'enlèvement de Michel Houellebecq

    L'enlèvement de Michel Houellebecq (2014)

    drama, komedija

    16. septembar 2011. Vesti na televiziji, potom novine, blogovi, vebsajtovi izveštavaju samo o jednom: Čuveni pisac, Mišel Uelbek, dobitnik prestižne Gonkurove nagrade za najbolji roman 2010. godine...
  • Leprechaun: Origins

    Leprechaun: Origins (2014)

    fantazija, horor

    Backpacking through the lush Irish countryside, two unsuspecting young couples discover a town's chilling secret. Ben (Dunbar), Sophie (Bennet), David (Fletcher) and Jeni (Roxburgh) quickly discover...
  • Les combattants

    Les combattants (2014)

    komedija, ljubavni

    Francuska romantična komedija, u režiji Tomasa Kajea. Mladi Arno je rastrzan između posla i društvenog života. Pokušava da živi u miru, ali pojava zanosne Madlen stvara pometnju u njegovoj glavi...
  • Les loups

    Les loups (2014)


    Elie, a young woman from the city, has come to a remote North Atlantic island. It's the spring thaw, and she is here to convalesce and get to know the community. The annual seal hunt is in full...
  • Les vacances du petit Nicolas

    Les vacances du petit Nicolas (2014)


    Nicolas je sretno dijete, jedinac kojeg vole roditelji i obožava baka. Tijekom školskih praznika obitelj otputuje na odmor na more. Nicolas će u novoj okolini pronaći nove prijatelje za igru, a...
  • Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles

    Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles (2014)


    Josephine je profesorica istorije koja se nađe u neočekivanim teškoćama nakon što je napusti suprug, ostavivši je u dugovima, pa ona mora sama nastaviti odgajati njihove dve ćerke. Njena sestra Iris...
  • L'esprit de famille

    L'esprit de famille (2014)

    porodični, komedija

    Obiteljska komedija u kojoj oboljeli bubreg njihove mlađe sestre pomaže dvojici braće da se bolje razumiju, ali i da upoznaju sami sebe. Hélene (M. Denarnaud) doznaje lošu vijest: njezini bubrezi su...
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