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Serije na, stranica 18
- Našli smo 556 rezultata.
- Žanr: horor
Paranormal (2020)
drama, misterija, fantazija, triler, horor
Refaat Ismail, a cynical Hematologist with a dark sense of humor, goes through a "journey of doubt" as his world is turned upside down after his lifelong scientific convictions are questioned. The...
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels (2020)
drama, fantazija, triler, horor
Magloviti i sivi viktorijanski London zamenio je sunčani Los Anđeles iz 1930-ih godina prošlog veka. Duhovni potomak originalne serije, "Peni Dredful: Grad anđela" počinje u Los Anđelesu 1938...
Ray of F**king Sunshine (2020)
drama, fantazija, triler, horor
Tyler and Kinsey feel torn when they figure out why Nina acts strangely. Bode meets Rufus' and Ellie's house guest. Dodge zeroes in on the Omega Key.
Reality Z (2020)
komedija, horor
A zombie apocalypse that imprisons participants and producers of a reality show called Olimpo, The House of the Gods. The studio becomes a shelter for those who seek salvation in Rio de Janeiro where...
Resurrection (2020)
komedija, fantazija, horor
Nadja and Laszlo's new familiar poses problems for Guillermo, and the vampires enlist the services of a local necromancer.
Soul City (2020)
The multicultural world of a select American city and its black population through the lens of psychological horror stories. New Orleans will be the debut city.
Sweet Home (2020)
drama, fantazija, triler, horor
Hjun, usamljeni srednjoškolac koji je izgubio celu porodicu u strašnoj nesreći, primoran je da napusti svoj dom i suočava se sa novom stvarnošću u kojoj čudovišta pokušavaju da zbrišu celo...
The Black Door (2020)
drama, fantazija, triler, horor
Kinsey explores the sea cave with the Savini Squad in tow. Meanwhile, Nina confronts Ellie over Joe, and Tyler sabotages his relationship with Jackie.
The Curse (2020)
komedija, fantazija, horor
While the vampires fear they've been electronically cursed, Guillermo tries to thwart a deadly threat to his masters.
The Dead Lands (2020)
akcija, fantazija, triler, horor
Waka, ubijeni maorski ratnik koji se vratio iz zagrobnog života, i Mehe, odlučna mlada žena, kreću u potragu kako zatvoriti prolaz između živih i mrtvih.
The Expecting (2020)
Glavna junakinja serije je mlada bivša konobarica koja se probudila usred mračne šume, bez sećanja i u modricama. Uskoro saznaje da je trudna, ali bez novca mora da se snađe sama i da shvati šta se...
The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020)
drama, misterija, triler, horor
Priča govori o mladoj guvernanti koju je muškarac unajmio da čuva njegovu nećakinju i nećaka u porodičnoj seoskoj kući, nakon što ih on usvoji. Došavši na imanje Blaj, guvernanta ipak počinje da...