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Filmovi na, stranica 4098

  • The Shooter

    The Shooter (1995)

    drama, kriminalistički, akcija

    Američki obaveštajac Miki Dejn odlazi u Prag da spreči potencijalni atentat na kubanskog ambasadora pri Ujedinjenim nacijama. Glavna osumnjičena je Simona Roset, profesionalni ubica, inače lezbejka i...
  • The Sound of Dischordia

    The Sound of Dischordia (1995)

    porodični, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika, avantura

    Master Vile uses Dischordia to try to control the Pink and Yellow Rangers with her voice.
  • The Sounds of Soul

    The Sounds of Soul (1995)


    This episode explores the development of Soul with in the Rock 'n' Roll genre.
  • The Stars Fell on Henrietta

    The Stars Fell on Henrietta (1995)


    ROBERT DUVALL glumi u gorskoslatkoj priči o nadi i iskupljenju koja je smještena u doba naftne teksaške groznice 1935. godine. Film prati grupicu ljudi čija se sirotinjska sudbina zauvijek mijenja...
  • The Steal

    The Steal (1995)

    komedija, triler

    A young American computer hackeress is hired by a liberal British lawyer to right the wrong done to a third world country by a London investment company. Even the expertise of her building inspector...
  • The Tin Soldier

    The Tin Soldier (1995)

    drama, porodični, avantura

    A boy trying to cope with his father's death much-needed guidance when his new toy soldier springs to life. Soon he gets caught in the mixed between two gangs at war with each other.
  • The Toilers and the Wayfarers

    The Toilers and the Wayfarers (1995)

    drama, ljubavni

    Phillip and Dieter nearly suffocate hiding their sexual identity in the face of puritanical small town values. Joined by a mysterious German relative, the three misfits escape to the big city...
  • The Tuskegee Airmen

    The Tuskegee Airmen (1995)

    drama, istorijski, ratni

    Zasnovan na istinitoj priči o prvim afro-američkim ratnim pilotima, ovaj film je izuzetna posveta „borbenoj 99-ki“. Prinuđeni da se istovremeno bore sa dva moćna neprijatelja: sa zastrašujućim...
  • The Usual Suspects

    The Usual Suspects (1995)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterija, triler

    U velikoj eksploziji koja se dogodila u luci San Pedro u Kaliforniji poginulo je 27 ljudi. Jedini preživeli ima užasavajuće opekotine, a isporuka kokaina vredna 91 milion dolara, za koju se verovalo...
  • The Viking Sagas

    The Viking Sagas (1995)

    akcija, avantura

    Island, 900. godine Kjartan (Ralph Moeller), zgodni gorostas, liječi svog ranjenog oca Valgarda, junačkog vladara Islanda, kojega je zarobio Ketil. Ketil ipak ubije Valgarda u ritualnom smaknuću...
  • The Wedding: Part I

    The Wedding: Part I (1995)

    porodični, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika, avantura

    The rangers are going to Australia just as Lord Zedd is recharging. Rita Repulsa, meanwhile, is back and ready for revenge! She orders Finster to make a potion for Lord Zedd to make him fall in love...
  • The Wedding: Part II

    The Wedding: Part II (1995)

    porodični, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika, avantura

    The rangers are fighting for their lives with no end in sight! They search desperately for a way out but find monsters at every turn. Lord Zedd awakens from his slumber and asks Rita to marry him...
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