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Filmovi na, stranica 2130

  • Jue se wu qi

    Jue se wu qi (2012)

    drama, akcija

    A gorgeous lethal killer, brainwashed by the villain, makes a startling discovery in a mission to eliminate a person she can in no way imagine.
  • Juoppohullun päiväkirja

    Juoppohullun päiväkirja (2012)


    Juha Berg je 30-godišnji beznadežni pijanac, koji živi u Kaliju, helsinškom predgrađu, i nema nameru da menja svoj način života. Istinski uživa u raznovrsnim seksualnim vezama, nasilju punom...
  • Just Like a Woman

    Just Like a Woman (2012)


    Mona ima 26 godina i emigrantkinja je iz severne Afrike. Udata je za Murada, koji ne može da izađe iz senke svoje autorativne majke. Svekrva je kinji, jer ni posle pet godina u braku nije ostala...
  • Justice League: Doom

    Justice League: Doom (2012)

    animirani, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika

    Zabrinut da bi kolege borci protiv kriminala nekad mogli da okrenu leđa čovečanstvu, Betmen pravi detaljan plan uništenja Supermena, Čudesne žene, Fleša, Zelenog fenjera, Marsovskog lovca i Kiborga...
  • K-11

    K-11 (2012)


    K-11 follows Raymond Saxx Jr. (Goran Visnjic), a powerful record producer who wakes from a drug-induced blackout to find himself locked up and classified "K-11." Plunged into a nightmarish world...
  • Kagi-dorobô no mesoddo

    Kagi-dorobô no mesoddo (2012)

    kriminalistički, komedija, ljubavni

    A failed and depressed actor meets a stranger with a wad of cash at a bath house when the strange slips and become unresponsive the actor quickly switches identities with the stranger. The strange...
  • Kahaani

    Kahaani (2012)

    drama, misterija, triler

    Kolkata is abuzz with the preparations for the annual Durga Puja festival, as seven months pregnant Vidya Bagchi steps off the airplane from London. Her first stop is the local police station to file...
  • Kamen

    Kamen (2012)


    When a well-known businessman is kidnapped 7 year old son, he had no idea what it is waiting for the test. It turns out that the mysterious thief needs no redemption, and his only requirement is to...
  • Kapringen

    Kapringen (2012)

    drama, triler

    Teretni brod MV Rozen putuje Indijskim okeanom. Međutim, napadaju ga somalijski pirati i otimaju. Među ljudima na brodu su kuvar Mikel i inžinjer Jan koji su, zajedno sa ostalima, kao taoci upleteni...
  • Karakara

    Karakara (2012)


    Pierre, a retired professor in his early sixties who ends up making a short, unsettling trip around Okinawa with Junko, a 40-year-old runaway wife. The confused intellectual would rather not get...
  • Kashikoi inu wa hoezuni warau

    Kashikoi inu wa hoezuni warau (2012)


    Because of her last name "Kumada" (bear + rice paddy) and her appearance, Misa's high school classmates call her "Pooh" disparagingly. She obviously has no friends and can only let down her guard...
  • Kaspar

    Kaspar (2012)

    animirani, kratki

    This animated short by Diane Obomsawin tells the story of Kaspar, a young man who discovers life - and light - after spending his entire life in a dark cave with a small wooden horse as only company...
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