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Filmovi na, stranica 1865

  • The Smell of Us

    The Smell of Us (2014)


    Nekoliko skejtera u Parizu dio je grupe mladih ljudi koji se neprestano drogiraju i seksaju, a zaštitna maskota grupe je stariji gospodin po imenu Rockstar (Larry Clark). Neki od njih su muške...
  • The Song

    The Song (2014)

    drama, ljubavni, muzički

    Aspiring singer-songwriter Jed King is struggling to catch a break and escape the long shadow of his famous father when he reluctantly agrees to a gig at a local vineyard harvest festival. Jed meets...
  • The Stowaway

    The Stowaway (2014)

    drama, kratki, naučna fantastika

    Slepi putnik je otkriven na malom svemirskom brodu za hitne slučajeve i moraće da se pomiri sa posledicama svog postupka koje su fatalne. Film je snimljen na osnovu kratke priče "Hladne jednačine"...
  • The Stranger

    The Stranger (2014)

    drama, misterija, triler, horor

    A mysterious man arrives in a small American town seeking his wife, though his presence plunges the community into a bloodbath.
  • The Sublime and Beautiful

    The Sublime and Beautiful (2014)


    David Conrad is a college professor and sometimes philanderer raising three children in a small Kansas suburb with his wife Kelly. When sudden tragedy strikes the family in the days before Christmas...
  • The Suicide Theory

    The Suicide Theory (2014)


    STEVEN RAY was never quite normal. But when the love of his life ANNIE is killed in a hit-and-run incident at a city cross walk, his violent and bizarre behavior becomes uncontrollable. One night, as...
  • The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale

    The Swan Princess: A Royal Family Tale (2014)

    animirani, porodični, fantazija, mjuzikl

    Prince Derek and Princess Odette adopt a little girl named Alise. Then, Alise gets captured by a group of flying squirrels, who believe that the Swan Princess is evil, according to a prophecy. Now...
  • The Taking

    The Taking (2014)

    misterija, triler, horor

    Ponekad se čini kao da netko gubi svoj razum. No, u stvari, njega zauzima nepoželjni stanar - zlo koje s vremenom sve više i više preuzima ne samo naš um, nego i tijelo te cijeli život. Upravo to...
  • The Tent

    The Tent (2014)

    misterija, kratki, naučna fantastika, avantura

    While on a camping trip with friends a teenager discovers that his tent has the ability to teleport. Soon he discovers that teleportation isn't the only thing that the tent can do...
  • The Theory of Everything

    The Theory of Everything (2014)

    biografski, drama, ljubavni

    Edi Redmejn i Felisiti Džouns glume u ovoj izuzetnoj priči o jednom od najvećih živih umova, čuvenom astrofizičaru Stivenu Hokingu, koji se zaljubio u koleginicu sa Kembridža, Džejn Vajld. Nekada...
  • The Third Man

    The Third Man (2014)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterija

    The search for the third man who assisted in the Blakely murder uncovers an unlikely ally for Janet and the scent of high level corruption.
  • The Town That Came A-Courtin'

    The Town That Came A-Courtin' (2014)

    porodični, komedija, ljubavni

    Romantična komedija u kojoj glavnu ulogu, uz slavnu spisateljicu i bivšeg gradonačelnika, ima ceo gradić Dexter, mesto u kojem bi svako želeo živeti...Uprkos čangrizavoj gospođici Euli, kakvu ima...
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