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- Žanr: naučna fantastika
Vixen (2015)
animirani, kratki, akcija, naučna fantastika, avantura
Vixen is based on the DC Character Mari McCabe / Vixen, a costumed superhero crime-fighter with the power to mimic the abilities of any animal that has ever lived on Earth. The series is set in the...
Wayward Pines (2015)
drama, misterija, naučna fantastika, triler
Agent tajne službe Itan Berk dolazi u Vejvard Pajns da nađe dva nestala federalna agenta, ali u saobraćajnoj nesreći delimično gubi pamćenje i ne može da ustanovi šta nije u redu u tom zastrašujuće...
Zoo (2015)
drama, naučna fantastika, triler
Nasilni napadi životinja preplavili su planetu Zemlju. Pošto su napadi postali sve češći i nasilniji, Džekson Oz, mladi naučnik i zoolog, mora brzo da otkrije misteriju pandemije pre nego što ljudima...
Ascension (2014)
drama, naučna fantastika
A young woman's murder causes the subjects of a century-long mission to populate a new world to question the true nature of the project as they approach the point of no return.
Believe (2014)
drama, fantazija, naučna fantastika
A relationship forms between a gifted young girl and a man sprung from prison who has been tasked with protecting her from the evil elements that hunt her power.
Black Bullet (2014)
misterija, animirani, akcija, naučna fantastika
A near future, where humans have been defeated by the viral parasites named Gastrea. They have been exiled into a small territory and live in despair, side-by-side in terror. In this world trapped in...
Defiance: The Lost Ones (2014)
drama, akcija, naučna fantastika
5 mini-episodes of whats happening between season 1 and 2 of Defiance.
Dominion (2014)
drama, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika, horor
Ova serija je rađena po motivu filma Legion (2010) i događa se 25 godina posle dešavanja filma i prati posledice rata između armije anđela i čovečanstva.
Extant (2014)
drama, naučna fantastika, triler
An astronaut (Berry) returns home from a year long solo mission in space. She tries to reconnect with her husband and son in their everyday life. Her experiences in space and home lead to events that...
Forever (2014)
drama, misterija, fantazija, naučna fantastika
Ioan Gruffudd glumi dr. Henryja Morgana, vrhunskog njujorškog mrtvozornika s neobičnom tajnom. On ne proučava mrtve kako bi rješavao zločine, već stoljećima pokušava riješiti misterij svoje...
Gokukoku no Brynhildr (2014)
drama, misterija, animirani, akcija, ljubavni, fantazija, naučna fantastika, triler
When he was a child, Murakami was infatuated with a girl he called Kuroneko. She insisted on knowing about aliens and having met them, but no one believed her, even young Murakami was skeptical. One...
Gotham (2014)
drama, kriminalistički, misterija, akcija, naučna fantastika, triler
Serija koja prati događanja u Gotamu pre nego što je Brus Vejn postao Mračni vitez. Serija prati uspone jednog policajca kroz grad prepun opasnosti i korupcije i kroz njegovu priču beleži i rađanje...