
drama (1983)

The Terence Davies Trilogy

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The Terence Davies Trilogy


The Terence Davies Trilogy






101 min


Terence Davies


Terence Davies

Glavne uloge:

Linda Beckett
  >  Neighbour (segment: Children)
Robin Bowen
  >  Bully #2 (segment: Children)
Elizabeth Estensen
  >  Nurse (segment: Children)
Trevor Eve
  >  Man in Shower (segment: Children)
Kate Fahy
  >  Neighbour (segment: Children) (as Katherine Fahey)
Colin Hignet
  >  Bully #1 (segment: Children) (as Colin Hignett)
Robin Hooper
  >  Robert Tucker (as a Young Man) (segment: Children)
Malcolm Hughes
  >  Man in Bedroom (segment: Children)
Phillip Joseph
  >  Teacher #2 (segment: Children)
Valerie Lilley
  >  Robert's Mother (Middle-Aged) (segment: Children) (as Val Lilley)
Phillip Mawdsley
  >  Robert Tucker (as a Child) (segment: Children)
Bill Maxwell
  >  (segment: Children)
Marjorie Rowlandson
  >  Neighbour (segment: Children)
Nick Stringer
  >  Robert's Father (segment: Children)
Harry Wright
  >  Teacher #1 (segment: Children)


Film u tri dijela o životu Roberta Tuckera; prvi dio, Children, govori o njegovu djetinjstvu punom obiteljskog nasilja, školovanju i očevoj smrti; drugi, Madonna and Child, o vlastitoj homoseksualnosti i realnosti života s majkom, i treći, Death and Transfiguration, o majčinoj smrti i vlastitoj sudbini.


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