Bedrooms and Hallways


komedija, ljubavni (1998)

Bedrooms and Hallways

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Bedrooms and Hallways


Spavaće sobe i hodnici




komedija, ljubavni


92 min


Rose Troche


Robert Farrar

Glavne uloge:

Jennifer Ehle
  >  Sally
Simon Callow
  >  Keith
Christopher Fulford
  >  Adam
Julie Graham
  >  Angie
Simon Green
  >  Gentleman Homeowner 2
Paul Higgins
  >  John
Tom Hollander
  >  Darren
Merelina Kendall
  >  Lady Homeowner 1
Nichola McAuliffe
  >  Lady Homeowner 3 (as Nicola McAuliffe)
Kevin McKidd
  >  Leo
Con O'Neill
  >  Terry
James Purefoy
  >  Brendan
Harriet Walter
  >  Sybil
Hugo Weaving
  >  Jeremy
Victoria Williams
  >  Lady Homeowner 2


Muškarac se bori sa svojom seksualnošću kada mu drugi muškarac izjavi ljubav, jer on još uvek gaji osećaje prema bivšoj devojci.
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