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Filmovi na, stranica 5954

  • Red Hot Tires

    Red Hot Tires (1935)

    drama, kriminalistički

    Auto racing teammates Wally and Robert compete for the romantic attentions of a sponsor's daughter. Their intense rivalry turns tragic when their in-race wheel lock-up result in Robert's death and...
  • Red Salute

    Red Salute (1935)


    The rebellious daughter of an army general becomes involved with a communist agitator, much to the consternation of her father, who instead attempts to pair her with a handsome yet dim-witted soldier.
  • Rendezvous

    Rendezvous (1935)

    komedija, ratni

    Powell plays an American cryptologist who tangles with German spies while falling in love.
  • Restless Knights

    Restless Knights (1935)

    kratki, komedija

    In Medieval times, the Stooges learn they are of royal blood and vow to save the kingdom. They become the Queen's royal guards but are sentenced to die when the Queen is abducted on the orders of the...
  • Roberta

    Roberta (1935)

    komedija, ljubavni, mjuzikl

    Football player John Kent tags along as Huck Haines and the Wabash Indianians travel to an engagement in Paris, only to lose it immediately. John and company visit his aunt, owner of a posh fashion...
  • Rocky Mountain Mystery

    Rocky Mountain Mystery (1935)

    misterija, vestern

    Rudarski inženjer Larry Sutton udružio se s prgavim zamjenikom šerifa Texom Murdockom da zajedno riješe nekoliko tajanstvenih ubojstava kod starog rudnika radija. Vlasnik rudnika je na samrti, a...
  • Romance in Manhattan

    Romance in Manhattan (1935)

    komedija, ljubavni

    Czech immigrant Karel Novak fulfills his dream of coming to America only to learn at Ellis Island the entrance fee has been raised from $50 to $200. Unable to pay, he is put on a ship going back to...
  • Ruggles of Red Gap

    Ruggles of Red Gap (1935)

    komedija, ljubavni

    While visiting Paris in 1908, upper class Lord Burnstead loses his butler playing poker. Egbert and Effie Floud bring Ruggles back to Red Gap, Washington. Effie wants to take advantage of Ruggles'...
  • Schaste

    Schaste (1935)

    drama, komedija

    A hapless loser (with the surname of Loser) undergoes misadventures with avaracious clergy, a tired horse, and a walking granary (among other things) on his road to collectivized happiness.
  • Scrooge

    Scrooge (1935)

    drama, porodični, fantazija

    Ebenezer Scrooge je škrtac koji mrzi Božić. Ni siromašni službenik Crachit niti nećak Fred, koji su obuzeti božićnim duhom, ne mogu ga udobrovoljiti. No, sve se mijenja kada ga u noći posjećuju tri...
  • Seven Keys to Baldpate

    Seven Keys to Baldpate (1935)

    misterija, komedija, ljubavni

    A writer, looking for some peace and quiet in order to finish a novel, takes a room at the Baldpate Inn. However, peace and quiet are the last things he gets, as there are some very strange goings-on...
  • She

    She (1935)

    ljubavni, fantazija, naučna fantastika, avantura

    Leo Vincey, told by his dying uncle of a lost land visited 500 years ago by his ancestor, heads out with family friend Horace Holly to try to discover the land and its secret of immortality, said to...
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