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Filmovi na, stranica 4104

  • Wild Bill

    Wild Bill (1995)

    biografski, akcija, vestern

    Divlji Bil Hikok je slavni čuvar reda i zakona na Divljem Zapadu. Proganjaju ga prošlost i reputacija. Ne može da uzvrati ljubav Kalamiti Džejn, ženi koja ga beskrajno voli. Na Bila kreće Džek Mek...
  • Wild Side

    Wild Side (1995)

    akcija, triler

    A bank accountant, who moonlights as a high-priced call girl, becomes embroiled in the lives of a money launderer, his seductive wife, and his bodyguard who blackmails her to help the FBI entrap him...
  • Wild West Rangers: Part I

    Wild West Rangers: Part I (1995)

    porodični, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika, avantura

    The rangers teleport to the Command Center, but Kimberly ends up going through a time hole. Next thing she knows, she's in the wild west! Things take an interesting turn to say the least when she...
  • Wild West Rangers: Part II

    Wild West Rangers: Part II (1995)

    porodični, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika, avantura

    As a last resort, Kimberly teleports to the Command Center. Zordon gives her what she'll need to face the cactus monster, if her friends' ancestors will help. There's just one problem...they don't...
  • Wings of Courage

    Wings of Courage (1995)

    ljubavni, avantura

    1920-ih godina u Južnoj Americi mala skupina francuskih pilota nastoji dokazati da mogu pružiti pouzdanu uslugu zračne pošte leteći preko Anda. Kad se za vrijeme jednoga takvog leta letjelica jednog...
  • Winnie the Pooh Un-Valentine's Day

    Winnie the Pooh Un-Valentine's Day (1995)

    animirani, porodični

  • Witchboard III: The Possession

    Witchboard III: The Possession (1995)


    Brian, an out-of-work stockbroker, is introduced by his landlord Mr. Redman to a new source of insider information: the Ouija! The Ouija makes him rich, but when Mr. Redman kills himself and Brian...
  • Without Evidence

    Without Evidence (1995)

    drama, triler

    Michael Francke kandidat je za guvernera drlave Oregon. Nakon njegovog stravicnog ubojstva zapocinje odiseja kojoj je cilj razotkrivanje gotovo nadrealnog ubojstva. Glavna nagrada od milijun dolara...
  • Wizard for a Day

    Wizard for a Day (1995)

    porodični, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika, avantura

    Rito and Zedd turn a science teacher into "Marvo the Meanie" as Rocky attempts to teach his class.
  • Wszystko moze sie przytrafic

    Wszystko moze sie przytrafic (1995)

    kratki, dokumentarni

    An energetic six-year-old boy talks to elderly strangers relaxing in the park. He confronts his childish knowledge of the world with their life-long experience.
  • Wui wan ye

    Wui wan ye (1995)

    komedija, fantazija, horor

    Tenant Mr. Li of an apartment high-rise is weary of the return of his late mother's ghost. When she appears in the apartment, she haunts Li and his wife, who she blames for her death. Caught in the...
  • Xích lô

    Xích lô (1995)

    drama, kriminalistički

    Cyclo (Le Van Loc), sedamnaestogodišnji mladić, uzdržava brojnu obitelj vozeći rikšu u Ho Ši Minu. No kradu mu rikšu pa je prisiljen potražiti pomoć od lokalne bande. Istodobno, zbog krajnje bijede...
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