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Filmovi na, stranica 4087

  • Redwood Curtain

    Redwood Curtain (1995)


    Geri Riordan is adopted, half-Vietnamese, eighteen, and a piano prodigy. She also feels as if she doesn't know who she really is, and when her adopted father dies, she begins to search for her...
  • Rent-a-Kid

    Rent-a-Kid (1995)

    drama, porodični, komedija

    Međutim, ova ideja u početku neće biti dobro prihvaćena od strane lokalnog stanovništva, ali znatiželja i vreme, učiniće da naizgled miran deo grada postane pravo igralište i komična pozornica.
  • Restoration

    Restoration (1995)

    biografski, drama, istorijski, ljubavni

    Talentovani student medicine Merivel, čiji životni stil zahteva prodavanje knjiga kako bi mogao platiti prostitutke. Sticajem okolnosti Marivel biva pozvan na dvor kralja Čarlsa gde mu uspešno...
  • Richard III

    Richard III (1995)

    drama, ratni

    William Shakespeare's classic play is brought into the present with the setting as Great Britian in the 1930s. Civil war has erupted with the House of Lancaster on one side, claiming the right to the...
  • Ringu

    Ringu (1995)

    misterija, horor

    In different parts of Tokyo, four young and seemingly healthy people suddenly die of heart failure at exactly the same moment. Reporter Kazuyuki Asakawa decides to investigate the deaths, and...
  • Rita's Pita

    Rita's Pita (1995)

    porodični, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika, avantura

    Tommy preaches the importance of eating right to one of his students who doesn't have healthy eating habits, which inspires Rita to get the Ravenator to go inside Tommy and make him want nothing but...
  • Rob Roy

    Rob Roy (1995)

    biografski, istorijski, avantura

    Na obroncima škotskih planina osamnaestog veka, Rob Roj zajedno sa svojom porodicom i sunarodnicima pokušava živeti što mirnijim, poštenijim i boljim životom. Kako bi svojoj zajednici osigurao...
  • Roommates

    Roommates (1995)

    drama, komedija

    Piter Folk tumači ulogu Rokija Holčeka, džangrizavog 76-godišnjeg američkog pekara poljskog porekla koji insistira, uprkos protivljenju rodbine, da usvoji svog malog unuka Majkla nakon što mu umru...
  • Rough Magic

    Rough Magic (1995)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni, fantazija

    S radnjom smeštenom u pedesete, ovo je priča o tome šta se desi kad mlada i lepa mađioničarka ode u Meksiko da bi pobegla od verenika, bogatog političara, i tamo nađe majanskog šamana koji će je...
  • Rumpelstiltskin

    Rumpelstiltskin (1995)

    komedija, fantazija, horor

    In the 1400s, Rumpelstiltskin is imprisoned inside a small jade figurine. In modern-day Los Angeles, the recently widowed wife of a police officer, with baby in tow, finds her way into a witch's shop...
  • Run Away

    Run Away (1995)


    A game show producer and a freelance editor meet by chance and spend a passionate evening together. On the verge of returning to their normal lives, something horrific and and bizarre happens that...
  • Running Wild

    Running Wild (1995)


    Filmski producent odluči snimiti film o ženi koja se bori za očuvanje ugroženih leoparda.
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