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Filmovi na, stranica 2052

  • Wastelands

    Wastelands (2013)

    drama, kratki

    Lonely teenager Marc is secretly in love with Olaf, the cool boy-next-door. He dreams about a relationship with him, and when the two go camping, this dream seems to become reality for Marc, until he...
  • We Are Animals

    We Are Animals (2013)

    kratki, naučna fantastika

    In this alternate history fable set in the 1980s AIDS Crisis, a closeted young man is thrust into the midst of an anti-government coup and finds that the animal within is stronger than the monsters...
  • We Are Modeselektor

    We Are Modeselektor (2013)


    "An odd duo that raises international mass hysteria and has been creating a credible sound for years now - Modeselektor seems to be a phenomenon in itself. The search for the origin of this...
  • We Are What We Are

    We Are What We Are (2013)

    drama, triler, horor

    Parkerovi, naizgled bezopasna i dobronamerna porodica, oduvek su bili tajanstveni, i to s dobrim razlogom. Frenk, glava porodice, iza zatvorenih vrata vrlo požrtvovano vodi svoju porodicu, odlučan da...
  • We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks

    We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks (2013)


    A documentary that details the creation of Julian Assange's controversial website, which facilitated the largest security breach in U.S. history.
  • Weekend of a Champion

    Weekend of a Champion (2013)


    Filmmaker Roman Polanski spends a weekend with world champion driver Jackie Stewart as he attempts to win the 1971 Monaco Grand Prix, offering an extraordinarily rare glimpse into the life of a...
  • Welcome to the Jungle

    Welcome to the Jungle (2013)

    komedija, akcija, avantura

    Ekipa marketinških stručnjaka nađu se nasukani na pustom tropskom otoku s ubojitim tigrovima i zmijama te još ubojitijim poludjelim ljudima, bez ikakvih izgleda da će biti spašeni. Neko od njih mora...
  • Welcome to the Majority

    Welcome to the Majority (2013)


    Devet nestalih ljudi veruje da su preživeli katastrofu koju ne mogu da objasne. Nada stiže u vidu misteriozne poruke na velim balonima. Ali, sledi smrtonosno putovanje. Da li je sve samo u njihovoj...
  • Welcome to the Punch

    Welcome to the Punch (2013)

    kriminalistički, akcija, triler

    Bivši kriminalac Jacob Sternwood prisiljen je vratiti se u London iz svog skrovišta na Islandu kada se njegov sin uplete u pljačku koja krene po zlu. To daje priliku detektivu Maxu Lewinskom...
  • Wer

    Wer (2013)

    misterija, akcija, fantazija, triler, horor

    Wer je film koji se vrti se oko odvjetnice Kate Moore koja je odlučna u svojoj namjeri da skine ljagu sa imena svoga klijenta Talana Gwyneka koji je osuđen za okrutno ubojstvo muškarca i malodobnog...
  • We're the Millers

    We're the Millers (2013)

    kriminalistički, komedija

    U ovoj uzbudljivoj komediji Džejson Sudeikis glumi dilera trave koji voli da radi na sitno. Kad su ga zaskočili neki pankeri skitnice i oteli mu lovu i robu, našao se u velikoj nevolji sa dobavljačem...
  • Westen

    Westen (2013)


    East Germany. Summer, late 70's. Three years after her boyfriend Wassilij's apparent death, Nelly Senff decides to escape from behind the Berlin wall with her son Alexej, leaving her traumatic...
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