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Filmovi na, sortirano po IMDB oceni, stranica 111

  • Našli smo 1819 rezultata.
  • Žanr: muzički
  • Forty Shades of Blue

    Forty Shades of Blue (2005)

    drama, ljubavni, muzički

    Bogati glazbeni producent Alan James živi s lijepom ruskinjom Laurom, tridesetak godina mlađom od sebe i njihovim trogodišnjim sinom. Žive ugodnim životom u vili na dokovima Mississipija u Memphisu...
  • Girls Just Want to Have Fun

    Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985)

    komedija, ljubavni, muzički

    Janey is new in town, and soon meets Lynne, who shares her passion for dancing in general, and "Dance TV" in particular. When a competition is announced to find a new Dance TV regular couple, Janey...
  • Gojira tai Hedorâ

    Gojira tai Hedorâ (1971)

    akcija, naučna fantastika, muzički, avantura, horor

    A pollution monster named Hedorah comes from outer space. First it terrorizes sea, then it goes on land where it encounters the big G. After it's after the fight with Godzilla it retreats, only to...
  • Heldorado

    Heldorado (1946)

    drama, muzički, vestern

    Heldorado is an annual parade celebrating Las Vegas as a frontier town. Roy is captain of the guards at Boulder Dam. He helps celebrate the town's anniversary while capturing racketeers involved with...
  • I anazitisi tis Lora Dourand

    I anazitisi tis Lora Dourand (2021)

    komedija, akcija, muzički

    Two men who live in modern days Athens decide to start the quest for Laura Durand, a pornstar of the 90's who has disappeared mysteriously several years ago.
  • In His Life: The John Lennon Story

    In His Life: The John Lennon Story (2000)

    biografski, drama, muzički

    A film about the early life of the rock musician and his burgeoning career as a member of the Beatles.
  • L'ami de Vincent

    L'ami de Vincent (1983)

    drama, komedija, muzički

    Izvukavši jedva živu glavu nakon što ga netko pokuša ubiti, trubač ženskaroš zamoli kolegu iz benda da mu pomogne istražiti kome se zamjerio.
  • La flûte à six schtroumpfs

    La flûte à six schtroumpfs (1976)

    animirani, porodični, fantazija, muzički, mjuzikl

    A villain named McCreep steals the Smurfs' magic flute, an instrument that makes people dance wildly, and uses it to rob them. The Smurf King sends out Peewit to track down the thief and retrieve the...
  • Lennon Naked

    Lennon Naked (2010)

    biografski, drama, muzički

    In 1964 a reluctant John Lennon is persuaded by manager Brian Epstein to meet Freddie, the father who abandoned him 17 years earlier, with the press in attendance. The meeting is short and bitter...
  • Lovely Boy

    Lovely Boy (2021)

    drama, muzički

    Nik - zvani Lavli Boj - zvezda je u usponu na muzičkoj sceni Rima. Prekriven tetovažama i pleni talentom, i zajedno sa svojim prijateljem Borneom osniva XXG, umetnički duet usmeren ka uspehu. Uvučen...
  • Mars et Avril

    Mars et Avril (2012)

    drama, ljubavni, fantazija, naučna fantastika, muzički

    Film je nastao kao adaptacija dve čuvene grafičke novele i njegova radnja smeštena je u futurističkom Montrealu u času u kom se čovečanstvo sprema da kroči na Mars. Žakob Obus, harizmatični muzičar...
  • Moonwalker

    Moonwalker (1988)

    kriminalistički, akcija, fantazija, triler, muzički

    Magično muzičko putovanje u svet Majkla Džeksona, MUNVOKER je klasična priča o večitoj borbi dobra i zla – smeštena iza kulisa nekih od najneverovatnijih specijalnih efekata, spektakularnih pesama i...
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