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Filmovi na, sortirano po IMDB oceni, stranica 366

  • Našli smo 4687 rezultata.
  • Žanr: naučna fantastika
  • Dark Heaven

    Dark Heaven (2002)

    fantazija, naučna fantastika, horor

    He may be the last man on earth. Nightmares tear at the edges of his sanity. Writer/director Douglas Schulze's DARK HEAVEN is an apocalyptic journey through desolate landscapes of lost faith and...
  • Empire of the Sharks

    Empire of the Sharks (2017)

    akcija, naučna fantastika, horor

    Na Zemlji u budućnosti i s 98% površine ispod vode, gospodar rata koji zapovijeda vojskom morskih pasa suočava se s tajanstvenim protivnikom.
  • Fighting the Sky

    Fighting the Sky (2018)

    akcija, naučna fantastika, triler

    Neobični izvanzemaljski zvukovi odjekuju diljem svijeta. Skupina istraživača predvođenih ufologinjom Lorraine Gardner započinjue ekspediciju kako bi pronašli izvor zvuka…
  • Frankenstein Reborn

    Frankenstein Reborn (2005)

    naučna fantastika, triler, horor

    Baron Frankenstein (cousin of the late scientist who created the famous monster) lives in seclusion on his idyllic island retreat off the coast of Botswana. Here is were he decides to invest his...
  • Heatstroke

    Heatstroke (2008)

    akcija, naučna fantastika, horor

    Polako su ljudi počeli primećivati da indeks vrućine raste, i da je život na Zemlji u opasnosti; ne dok nije došao vojnik i otkrio zlokobnu zaveru.
  • Infested

    Infested (2002)

    naučna fantastika, horor

    Horror tale of insects which eat their victims from the inside out.
  • Jiu Jitsu

    Jiu Jitsu (2020)

    komedija, akcija, fantazija, naučna fantastika, triler

    Svakih šest godina drevni red ekspertnih boraca mora se sukobiti s izvanzemaljcima i boriti za Zemlju. Tisućama godina ti su borci poštivali nepisani dogovor i igrali po pravilima, no stvari se...
  • Kill Mode

    Kill Mode (2019)

    akcija, naučna fantastika

    It is the year 2027, eight years after the first outbreak of The Sickness, a highly contagious, adaptive and lethal virus. The world is now run by a pharmaceutical corporation called The Company...
  • Moontrap: Target Earth

    Moontrap: Target Earth (2017)

    akcija, naučna fantastika, avantura

    A long forgotten ancient spacecraft discovered on Earth. Investigations carried out by Scout transport her to the moon whereupon she meets the impressive machines preserving the wisdom of that long...
  • Paranormal Incident

    Paranormal Incident (2011)

    naučna fantastika, horor

    The infamous Odenbrook Sanitarium closed after a mass suicide occurred within its walls. Sixty years later, six college students armed with cameras and recording equipment venture into the asylum to...
  • Portals

    Portals (2019)

    naučna fantastika

    Tokom serije nestanaka struje u celom svetu, dešavaju se milioni kosmičkih anomalija. Mnogi beže iz svojih stanova, ali tek onda nastaje pravi horor... Adam i njegova porodica upućuju se u kuću...
  • Somnus

    Somnus (2016)

    naučna fantastika, triler, avantura

    A grief stricken captain embarks on his final mission in command of an ageing cargo ship. The ship's small crew, frustrated and discontented with their lives in deep space, try to complete a...
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