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Filmovi na, sortirano po IMDB oceni, stranica 1417

  • Našli smo 19818 rezultata.
  • Žanr: komedija
  • The Big Bounce

    The Big Bounce (2004)

    kriminalistički, komedija

    Odlučuje se za novac, jer se žena podrazumeva. Rešava da pomogne Nensi u krađi 200 000 dolara…
  • The Brave Hunter

    The Brave Hunter (1912)

    kratki, komedija

    U lovište i lovačko društvo dolazi lovac sa navodnim "brojnim lovačkim trofejima i pustolovina. Ali da li je to baš tako?
  • The Break-Up Artist

    The Break-Up Artist (2009)

    komedija, ljubavni

    A woman who gets paid to break people up is forced to become a matchmaker when some new competition muscles her out of the break-up business. Now, in order to save her company (and keep her...
  • The Cheetah Girls 2

    The Cheetah Girls 2 (2006)

    drama, porodični, komedija, mjuzikl

    Jedinstveni stil vodi grupu "Cheetah girls" ka zvezdama, dok se trude da ostanu na zemlji i izađu na kraj s porodicom, školom i momcima.
  • The Don's Analyst

    The Don's Analyst (1997)


    Don Vito Leoni, the Godfather, is clinically depressed. The world has changed and he hasn't. He'd like to retire, but if he left the "family business" to his two idiot sons, they'd be dead in a...
  • The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu

    The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Fu Manchu (1980)

    kriminalistički, komedija, fantazija

    komedija. Peter Sellers u filmu ima dvostruku ulogu: detektiva Naylanda Smitha i njegova suparnika nečastivog dr. Fua Manchua. Smrtonosna i vrlo seksualno aktivna jukatanska tarantula ukrade...
  • The Good Things Devils Do

    The Good Things Devils Do (2020)

    komedija, akcija, horor

    Richard, a small-time gangster is retiring. Before he can, he must take one last job: to steal money from a rival gangster's house. Miles apart, Melvin is a reluctant family man who has dreams of...
  • The Great McGonagall

    The Great McGonagall (1975)

    biografski, komedija

    William Topaz McGonagall, the world's greateset poet. Unfortunately the whole of the rest of the world disagreed. His talent made him a sort of Victorian Chris Evans but without the cash.
  • The Haunted Mansion

    The Haunted Mansion (2003)

    misterija, porodični, komedija, fantazija, horor

    Jedne noći, Jima Eversa (Eddie Murphy), posrednika za prodaju nekretnina i njegovu suprugu i poslovnu partnericu Saru (Marsha Thomason) nazove Edward Gracey (Nathaniel Parker) koji želi prodati svoje...
  • The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards

    The Heyday of the Insensitive Bastards (2017)

    drama, komedija

    Based on short stories from Robert Boswell's collection, seven vignettes explore the difference between fantasy and reality, memory and history, and the joy and agony of the human condition.
  • The L.A. Riot Spectacular

    The L.A. Riot Spectacular (2005)


    "The L.A. Riot Spectacular", an equal opportunity offender, is a surreal, funny, and provocative view of the participants and psychology that fueled the epochal 1992 events.
  • The Misandrists

    The Misandrists (2017)

    drama, komedija

    Mizandristice su futuristička feministička farsa o grupi militantnih lezbijki koje žive u komuni organiziranoj poput samostana i pripremaju se za totalni rat i istrebljenje muškaraca. Sebe nazivaju...
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