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Filmovi na, stranica 1690

  • Našli smo 20300 rezultata.
  • Žanr: komedija
  • In Old Madrid

    In Old Madrid (1911)

    kratki, komedija, ljubavni

    Nakon što se ljubavi dvoje maldih ispreči protivljenje njenih roditelja, mladić se odlučuje za smeo potez...
  • Just Bill's Luck

    Just Bill's Luck (1911)

    kratki, komedija

    Bill meets and promptly falls in love with a dancing girl, who belongs to a traveling show. He follows her to her van, and taking advantage of the absence of the proprietor, steals inside and makes...
  • Maid's Revenge

    Maid's Revenge (1911)

    kratki, komedija

    Mr. Ingran, in need of a stenographer, advertises. After interviewing a number of applicants decides to take a capable looking young man. The next scene is laid in Mr. Ingran's home. In the kitchen...
  • Mated by Chess

    Mated by Chess (1911)

    kratki, komedija

    Edwin and Marjorie are two lovers whose fathers, not being on friendly terms, will not consent to their engagement. Marjorie has several girlfriends visiting her and in the course of their play a...
  • Max et Jane veulent faire du théâtre

    Max et Jane veulent faire du théâtre (1911)

    kratki, komedija, ljubavni

    Maks pokazuje svoje glumačko iskustvo. Publika odlučuje da se sa njim "našali" i priređuje da njegova gluma njemu postane dramatično iskustvo.
  • Pierrot mystifié

    Pierrot mystifié (1911)

    kratki, komedija

    This excellent pantomime is highly entertaining and there is considerable novelty to those who have not heretofore had the pleasure of witnessing a pantomimic performance. It tells the story of a...
  • The Baron

    The Baron (1911)

    kratki, komedija

    Dva konobar i putujući fotograf i... Sve je spremno za fotograsanje ili nije?
  • The Villain Foiled

    The Villain Foiled (1911)

    kratki, komedija

    Kada pretndent koji želi brak sa mladom devojkom napije njenog verenika, njegovi prijatelji odlučujeu da to neće proći tek tako...
  • Tidying Up Paris

    Tidying Up Paris (1911)

    kratki, komedija

    The Commissioner of Works at Paris is greatly annoyed by the reports in the press, in which complaints of the untidiness of the streets are made. Angrily summoning the foreman, the Commissioner gives...
  • Un ladro ben ricevuto

    Un ladro ben ricevuto (1910)

    kratki, komedija

  • Das große Los

    Das große Los (1909)

    kratki, komedija

  • Those Awful Hats

    Those Awful Hats (1909)

    kratki, komedija

    Those Awful Hats (sh. Ti odvratni šeširi) je američka kratka crno-bijela nijema filmska komedija snimljena 1909. u režiji D. W. Griffitha. Radnja je smještena u malenu kino-dvoranu (nickelodeon) gdje...
Prethodna   1 2 ... 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692   Sledeća

