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Filmovi na, sortirano po IMDB oceni, stranica 2268

  • Našli smo 35814 rezultata.
  • Žanr: drama
  • The Magus

    The Magus (1968)

    drama, misterija, fantazija

    An English teacher arrives on a sleepy Greek island to take up a vacant teaching post. The last man to hold the post committed suicide under mysterious circumstances. Slowly but surely, he is drawn...
  • The Maid

    The Maid (2005)

    drama, misterija, triler, horor

    "Every year, for thirty days during the lunar seventh month, the Chinese believe that the gates of hell are thrown open. Vengeful spirits or hungry ghosts wander among the living, seeking revenge and...
  • The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot

    The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot (2018)

    drama, avantura

    Kalvin Bar je vojnik iz Drugog Svetskog rata koji je decenijama čuvao tajnu da je upravo on ubio Adolfa Hitlera. Odjednom ga vlada zove nazad u akciju kako bi pomogao da se spreči širenje...
  • The Middle Man

    The Middle Man (2021)

    drama, komedija

    “Posrednik” počinje tako što dugo nezaposleni Frank dobija veliku šansu. Upravo je angažovan kao novi posrednik, što je uvažen, iako prilično težak posao. U gradu koji je neobjašnjivo ophrvan...
  • The Million Dollar Hotel

    The Million Dollar Hotel (2000)

    drama, misterija, triler

    Nekada ekskluzivni losanđeleski hotel sada je prihvatiliste za socijalne slučajeve. Iz galerije grotesknih likova izdvaja se Tom Tom (Jeremy Davies), mladić iskren i spontan poput deteta, zaljubljen...
  • The Moonraker

    The Moonraker (1958)

    drama, akcija, avantura

    Oliver Cromwell krajem drugog građanskog rata pokuša zarobiti Karla Stuarta... no neustrašivi plemić pomogne budućem kralju u bijegu.
  • The Moonshine War

    The Moonshine War (1970)

    drama, kriminalistički, komedija

    A federal agent attempts to make some real money before the alcohol ban is lifted so he sets his sights on the whiskey cache of an old army buddy.
  • The Music Teacher

    The Music Teacher (2012)


    Glazbeni program srednjoškolske profesorice Alyson ukinut je. Skupina bivših učenika udruži se kako bi se program nastavio. Svi se ponovno prisjećaju vremena kada su prije mnogo godina vježbali za...
  • The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia

    The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia (1981)

    drama, muzički

    A small-town stud wants to go to Nashville to be a big country star. His ambitious kid sister works as his manager. Their dream hits jeopardy when they cross paths with a small-town sheriff.
  • The North Star

    The North Star (1943)

    drama, ljubavni, ratni

    It's June, 1941 in a farming cooperative in the Soviet Socialist Republic of the Ukraine. Although the citizens of the cooperative hear about the atrocities of the war on their radios, they are on...
  • The Obscure Life of the Grand Duke of Corsica

    The Obscure Life of the Grand Duke of Corsica (2021)

    drama, komedija

    Godine 1221. jedan mladić je krenuo na put kojim je postaa St. Francis of Assisi. Hiljadama godina kasnije arhitekta treba da izgradi mauzolej za umirućeg milijardera. Razdvojeni istorijskim...
  • The Off Hours

    The Off Hours (2011)


    You're awake when everyone else is asleep. You're standing still as traffic is whipping by at 70mph. You see dusk and dawn everyday because they happen on your way to a time clock and then to a bed...
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