GMO OMGPogledaj trailer!


dokumentarni (2013)


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90 min


Jeremy Seifert

Glavne uloge:

Vandana Shiva
  >  Herself
Dennis Kucinich
  >  Himself
Jeremy Seifert
  >  Himself
Bill McKibben
  >  Himself
Gilles-Eric Séralini
  >  Himself - Professor, University of Caen (as Gilles-Eric Seralini PhD)
Cary Fowler
  >  Himself - Executive Director, Global Crop Diversity Trust
Hans R. Herren
  >  Himself - President, Millennium Institute (as Hans Herren)
Mark Smallwood
  >  Himself - Executive Director, Rodale Institute
Diane Ott Whealy
  >  Herself - Co-Founder, Seed Savers Exchange (as Diane Whealy)
Chavannes Jean-Baptiste
  >  Himself - Leader, Peasant Movement of Papaye
Michael Adam
  >  Himself - Hybrid seed dealer
Sammy Junior III
  >  Himself - Row Cropper and Custom Applicator
Ken Roseboro
  >  Himself - Editor, Organic & Non-GMO Report
Jeff Moyer
  >  Himself - Farm Director, Rodale Institute
Don Grimes
  >  Himself - Seed Dealer & Conventional Farmer


Today in the United States, by the simple acts of feeding ourselves, we are unwittingly participating in the largest experiment ever conducted on human beings. Each of us unknowingly consumes genetically engineered food on a daily basis. The risks and effects to our health and the environment are largely unknown. Yet more and more studies are being conducted around the world, which only provide even more reason for concern. We are the oblivious guinea pigs for wide-scale experimentation of modern biotechnology. GMO OMG tells the story of a fathers discovery of GMOs in relationship to his 3 young children and the world around him. We still have time to heal the planet, feed the world, and live sustainably. But we have to start now!
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  • nesaparty
    eXtreme member
    21.10.2014. 17:31

    GMO OMG (2013)

    Film objašnjava šta je gmo, kako se pravi genetski modifikovana hrana i razmere štete

    Odličan dokumentarni film koji jednostavno objašnjava šta je genetski modifikovani organizam, odnosno kako se pravi genetski modifikovana hrana i koliko je gmo rasprostranjem u Americi i svetu i prisutan u hrani. Tu su i posledice genetskog inžinjeringa.

    Niko nema pravo igrati rulet sa genetskim integritetom života na Zemlji!

    Javnost veruje da je genetski inženjering egzaktna nauka. U stvari, to je nagadjanje na mikroskopskom nivou.

    (Taj) Proces ubacivanja i kloniranje stvara veliku kolateralnu štetu.

    Može doći do na stotine ili hiljade mutacija u DNK i isto toliko gena može promeniti svoje nivoe izražavanja u biljci koja normalno funkcioniše.

    To stvara nepredvidjena neželjena dejstva.

    1996 godina GM soja i kukuruz su uvedeni u američku ishranu.

    Od tada brojne bolesti sistema za varenje povezane sa stomačnim upalama su u porastu u SAD.

    Američka akademija je navela istraživanja na životinjama koje ( uzimanjem GM hrane) pokazuju sterilitet, probleme sa imunitetom, ubrzano starenje, komplikacije sa holesterolom i insulinom, promene u jetri, bubrezima, slezini, organima za varenje i reprodukciju.

    Kada imate moć da manipulišete celom strukturom evolucije, bilo bi neodgovorno za bilo kog naučnika , bez obzira koliko je mudar da uzme tu moć i iskoristi je bez pravog uvažavanja posledica „.

    „Mi smo zaista u dobu istorije kada nauka ne treba da uradi nešto samo zato sto to i može“



    nesaparty2014-10-21 17:33:54

